Capture Your Markets

Strategic Marketing for Healthcare Providers, Attorneys and Accountants

Located in Santa Clarita, California. Serving the United States and Canada

Phone: (805) 512-3438

Strategic Marketing Services for 

Attorneys and Accountants

A sample ad that captures the attention of attorneys seeking an excellent forensic accountant

The above sample ad was designed to capture the attention of attorneys who sometimes requires the services of a forensic accountant. The sub headline, Discover why our forensic accountant is the better choice, raises curiosity for attorneys who sometimes use forensic accountants to continue reading. Thus, the headline and sub headline open the door to creating an articulated sales argument that can separate this forensic accountant’s services from his or her competitors. 

The content requires this accountant to actually provide superior expert witness testimony. Therefore, this ad will only work for an accountant who truly offers exceptional testimony. If the accountant cannot, perhaps there are other areas of forensic accounting in which the accountant does provide unparalleled work, such as business valuation, fraud investigation, tracing or collaborative law. In some cases, we will help the practice innovate what they provide so they can offer a competitive advantage that attorneys need.


The goal of your practice is to convince your target markets that they would be making a huge mistake to choose any practice but yours for the type of services you provide. We call the seven-step strategy process we developed and employ The Formula for Market Dominance. Please visit the Strategy section of this website to learn more.

The Planning Process

We usually begin our services by holding strategic and tactical planning sessions. During these meetings, we together determine the responses to a 26-point questionnaire, which enables us to uncover the entire scope of your practice's situation from a marketing perspective. The strategic portion of the marketing plan defines your target markets and determines what we will say and how we will express your communications to each audience. Target markets of a law firm, depending on its focus, may include other attorneys, CPAs, mental health professionals, employers, employees, or consumer segments to name a few. Targets for accounting practices could include small businesses, corporations, affluent homeowners, attorneys, investors, or non-profits, or financial planners.

At the conclusion of the planning process, we will have uncovered thorough answers to each of the seven steps of The Formula for Market Dominance. From this, we create the primary letter, the template that serves as the source for all content of your future marketing communications. As a rule, we will develop one Primary Letter for each of your target markets.*

The Tactical Plan

The tactical plan is that portion of the marketing plan that defines how we will implement your strategy. This includes specific actions that will be undertaken, which we call targets. Every target includes a deadline for completion and defines who is responsible for the accomplishment of each respective task. The tactical plan includes media selection, budgeting, establishing priorities, and measuring and analyzing results. We usually group targets by defined markets.

Referral Building

We typically work with law and accounting clients to help them build referrals from (other) attorneys and service professionals, such as (other) accountants and therapists. We customize tactical plans for referral building based on the law or accounting firm's strengths, the needs and wants of their target markets, and the nature of their competitive environment. In some instances, we will contact referral sources on behalf of you. We often combine direct mail, opt-in email campaigns, and social media with direct marketing.


Strategic Planning & Implementation • Tactical Planning & Implementation

Innovation Planning & Implementation • Marketing Research and “hot button surveys” • Media relations

 Test Marketing • Branding • Copywriting (All media) • Promotion & Ad Design (All media) 

 Website Design • Internet & Social Media MarketingSearch Engine Optimization** • Email & Direct Mail Campaigns 

 Events Planning & Management • Business Development • Hiring & Training of Marketing Personnel 

* The primary letter is a snapshot of your strategy that is used as a template from which all the promotion of a practice can be developed. This includes the content of a website, all social media (including YouTube® and online yellow pages), brochures, advertising (online and traditional), direct mail, opt-in email blasts, and Powerpoint® presentations.

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