Capture Your Markets

Strategic Marketing for Healthcare Providers, Attorneys and Accountants

Located in Santa Clarita, California. Serving the United States and Canada

Phone: (805) 512-3438

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How to Create a Website That Will Bring You 

an Abundance of Business

A website with an effective marketing strategy causes your practice to grow.

Most website design companies will tell you there are two areas of expertise they provide for the development of your website: programming and design. They will also make use of keywords to enhance your website’s search engine placement. Many also offer search engine optimization (SEO) to further drive traffic to your website and probably have the know-how to set you up with Google Ads and social media. If you ask the typical website design company to write your copy, they may have someone with writing and language skills to assist you. The problem is almost all website copywriters lack the proper training and adeptness to prepare content that will separate their clients from their competitors and bring their clients an abundance of business. Rather, many load their clients' websites with platitudes, generalities, and fluff that make no impression and fail to provide a convincing response to the most important question a website needs to address... specific reasons why the prospective client should choose their clients' business over all other options that exist.

Therefore, if you want to significantly grow your business, you must make sure you have a superior marketing strategist on your website design team who knows how to separate your business from your competitors so YOU get the business. This is what Capture Your Markets can do for you.

What Should Your Marketing Strategy
Be for Your Website?

Most businesses confuse tactics with strategy. Your tactics are the execution of your marketing plan. Among the components of your tactics include media selection, action planning, and budgeting. Your strategy, on the other hand, includes defining your target markets and determining what to say and how to communicate your message to each. An effective strategy is one that delivers the right message at the right time to the right people. It requires having something great to say and saying it well. Perhaps, the most serious fault of nearly all website design companies and the vast majority of professional service businesses is the failure to understand that strategy is at least equal to, if not senior in importance to tactics. Thus, they mistakenly focus attention on strategy. As a result, their websites and other marketing efforts fall short of their potential in terms of results.

The Competitive Advantage 

of Capture Your Markets

Capture Your Markets’ Formula for Market Dominance should be what drives the development of your website content. This formula's components will enable us to separate your business from your competitors so you get the business rather than your rivals. Having this skill separates us from most website builders. The result is you will be able to take business away from your competitors because we will provide you with compelling messaging, as well as SEO.

How to EnsureYou Have Got It Right

So, how can we be sure your target market will be in agreement with your website’s content? To do so, we need to know exactly how your target market thinks, be sure what their emotional hot buttons are, and skilled enough to deliver a message using the right emotional attitudes so your audience's attention is captured and engaged. 

If we will have any uncertainties about the mindset of your target markets, we will ask to conduct a survey that will uncover exactly what we must know. We will apply The Formula for Market Dominance, ask the right questions, and use your target markets’ responses to develop your strategy. Then we will know how to employ logic that justifies your audience's emotional hot buttons. Achieving this requires a significant understanding of consumer behavior. Although we know this is essential, most website design companies will ignore this step.

By employing emotional hot buttons in your website’s headlines and sub headers, we will inevitably create the level of agreement necessary to capture the attention of your prospects. By using the most effective emotional attitude in your headline, we can remove emotional barriers that previously were thought impossible to overcome. Next, when developing your content, we carry through with the remaining steps of The Formula for Market Dominance. You will will have in your hands a powerful website.

Search Engine Optimization, Keywords

and Emotional Hot Buttons.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to your website, via unpaid or natural search results (organic). The higher your website appears in search results, the more likely people will click on your link for more information. This is especially true if your site description also includes key emotional hot buttons. Unlike paid or sponsored search engine marketing (SEM) results such as Google Ads, search engine optimization (SEO) affects only organic search results. SEO will help:

    •    generate traffic and leads

    •    increase client volume

    •    improve return on investment

    •    improve awareness of your business

    •    help brand your company

Our task related to SEO is determining what the keywords are that prospects use in conducting searches for the type of services you provide, as well as other essential markers that Google takes into consideration. We understand that use of keywords and keeping current with other factors Google uses to determine ranking is vitally important.

It is also imperative to make every effort to get keywords AND emotional hot buttons into your site's description that search engines display in search results, as well as within your website’s content. This will ensure a high ranking and causing potential clients or patients that visit your website to choose your services over your competitors’.

Website Services of Capture Your Markets

Capture Your Markets and our strategic partners, together provide a host of Web services including:

   •  Strategic planning

   •  Website design

   •  Strategic and general content development

   •  Search engine optimization

   •  Content management

   •  Website maintenance

   •  Website promotion

We always employs The Formula for Market Dominance and Medical Office Communications Basics to develop website content and to promote websites through online and traditional media. We welcome you to contact us to help you with any or all of the website services we offer.

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(661) 513-0574 •

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