Capture Your Markets

Strategic Marketing for Healthcare Providers, Attorneys and Accountants

Located in Santa Clarita, California. Serving the United States and Canada

Phone: (805) 512-3438

We can separate your practice from your competitors so your practice will grow.

How to Grow Your Business Honestly, 

Ethically and Successfully 

Despite a Sea of Hungry Competitors

Standing out from the competition means you get more patients or clients

The goal of your marketing should be to convince your prospective clients or patients they would be making a huge mistake to choose any business but yours for the type of services you provide. The seven-step process briefly outlined below, called The Formula for Market Dominance (FMD), enables us to achieve this goal for you. Here are the steps:

1. Be superior. Deserve the business.You need to deliver better quality services and customer service than your competitors. If your business is unquestionably superior, you are in a position to develop powerful marketing communications. Otherwise, Capture Your Markets can help you gain the superiority you need via the application of The Blueprint for Competitive Advantage Innovations (BCAI). Once we position your business to provide unquestionably better value than your competitors, we can apply the BCAI steps to create promotional messaging that your competitors will find almost impossible to match.

2. Capture attention. Any promotion you do must first seize your prospective client’s or patient’s attention. We can achieve this for you through the headline of your ad, brochure, web page, or the first sentence of social media posts. There are three ways to capture attention. The only one that will enable you to present a convincing competitive advantage is by incorporating your target markets’ emotional hot buttons into your headlines, as well as your subheadings. We prepare effective headings that will make it possible for you to separate your business from your competitors so your business stands out and you increase your patient or client volume.

3. Spark their interest. Once you have your prospective patients’ or clients’ attention, you must keep them focused or they may lose interest and drift over to your competitors’ websites or social media pages. You maintain attention by promising your audience you are about to provide the information they need to know. We will determine this for you.

4. Educate your prospects. We will furnish prospective buyers with what is important to grasp and the criteria they should consider when choosing the type of services you deliver. This provides prospective patrons with the confidence that they can make an informed decision.

5. Present why people should choose your services. We will compare what you offer to the important criteria you have guided them to understand and consider in step four. If you deliver a clearly better service in terms of quality, customer service, consistency, convenience or value, you will be able to make strong claims that your competitors would not dare make because they obviously would be lying.

6. Provide evidence that supports your claims. Do not expect others to think your services are better just because you say so. Instead, together we will construct specific evidence that backs your claims. We will include such things as testimonials from clients and referral sources, Better Business Bureau™ and professional association ratings, client satisfaction survey results, published peer reviewed articles, demonstrations of your services, awards you have won, etc.

7. Make a low-risk offer that is difficult to refuse. The less risk prospects feel in choosing a practice that provides the type of services you offer, the easier it is to win them over. Consider offering a free or reduced-price introductory service. For medical providers, you can offer prospects to come to your office and meet you and/ or your office staff. Some prospects may not yet be ready to try your services. In such cases, provide them with information on a continuing bases that will convince them to choose your practice once they need your services. Providing an e-newsletter is often an effective approach.

What makes this approach so honest and ethical is that there is no need to use Madison Avenue trickery, such as subliminal advertising. Rather, it acknowledges that people are intelligent and capable of making the right decision when they are informed. Thus, many will choose you over your competitors because they know your practice is the better choice. If you clearly offer a superior experience, you deserve most of the volume of business. Don't you?

Once you have completed the above, you will have the strategy in your hands to expand your market share. Next, we will work with you construct your tactical plan, which includes your media selection. Then you will be ready to implement your marketing program.

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